Red Coats + CrowdComfort = Greater Cleaning Transparency

Red Coat's partnership with CrowdComfort enables complete cleaning transparency for customers that the cleaning frequencies and procedures agreed upon are tracked and completed to your standards.

  • Real-time tracking of cleaning efforts by type and location to ensure compliance throughout the day
  • Improved employee confidence with visualizations of the last cleaning in your workplace
  • Full digital audit trail of every cleaning for reduced risk with regulatory compliance
  • On-demand cleaning based on conference room or desk usage
Red Coats Cleaning Maps and Analytics

Red Coats Cleaning Maps & Analytics Overview Two Pager

This shares the features and functionality of Cleaning Maps & Analytics as well as the process for getting started.

Red Coats OSHA & CDC Compliance

OSHA & CDC Guidance & Compliance Guide - Red Coats

This guide shares the latest in OSHA & CDC Guidance and how Red Coats can help with Cleaning Maps & Analytics.


You can use Red Coats & CrowdComfort to power the next level of experience for building occupants as they return to the office. Delivering unprecedented transparency, personal safety, and confidence.


CrowdComfort has been deployed in over 100M square feet of corporate real estate

Receive a personalized demo of the CrowdComfort solution and how we work with your cleaning partner.

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