Facilities Management Analytics CrowdComfort

Facilities management finally has a seat at the table

CrowdComfort's Reporting & Analytics help fill the data gap left by your CMMS and IWMS, providing you with the real-time, geolocated data of what's happening within your facilities. Best of all, it automatically captures occupant experience scores to help you prove the value of your team's work.

  • Geolocated reporting that shows you the location of all maintenance and cleaning requests directly on your floor plans
  • Real-time Analytics and dashboards to help you consistently optimize your strategy while identifying long-term issues quickly
  • Employee workplace experience scores to prove the value of all facilities management activities
  • Bi-directional, real-time data integrations with popular CMMS & IWMS solutions

Trusted by forward-thinking, employee experience focused employers

We work with some of the largest employers in the U.S. (many in the Fortune 500) to drive exceptional employee workplace experiences with health & safety in mind


Features & Functionality

Our patented geo-located mobile app can help your team work more effectively while driving a first-class workplace experience. Here are the features that should get you excited.

Employee Workplace Request App

Patented geolocated data on your digital floor plans for workplace requests and cleaning

Most CMMS and IWMS solutions rely on self selection to determine location on their floor plates and/or request portals that only really work on a desktop.

At CrowdComfort, we use our patented QR code geolocation technology and process to let you know exactly where the issue is, helping you quickly identify larger design issues in your workplace quickly and consistently.

  • QR code based technology to automatically append indoor location to every workplace request submitted
  • Geolocated, real-time reporting that enables quick resolution of all requests
  • De-duplication in app that greatly improves data quality and saves significant admin time
Workplace Analytics CrowdComfort

Data & analytics that drive insights and cost savings that drive 4-10x return on investment

We want you to have all your cleaning, facilities and employee experience data in one place. This provides you with the visualizations, insights and learnings to quickly optimize your facilities management strategy and processes.

  • Historical reporting of all workplace requests by location to quickly identify potential long-term issues before they happen
  • Significant reduction in administration time with every request with clear, defined work order data and parameters
  • Vendor and team accountability with data on average response times, cleaning compliance and much more
Employee Workplace Experience CrowdComfort

Instant employee workplace experience scores that prove your value

Ensuring proper comfort in your workplace enhances productivity, collaboration and health for your employees. CrowdComfort helps facilities management teams prove the value they have in created a safe, healthy and productive workplace experience.

  • Employee experience scores captured with every completed employee request with average response rates of 40%
  • Improved experience due to quicker response times through in-app messaging
  • Mobile experience that provides a 95% employee satisfaction rating on average
Workplace Analytics CrowdComfort

Better, more complete facilities management data that integrates with your CMMS and/or IWMS

We make the data in your CMMS and/or IWMS better.

All our geo-located, real time data flows seamlessly and bi-directionally into your CMMS and IWMS ensuring improved data quality. Your team can focus on completing the work vs. inputting the data.

  • Saves your facilities team time in inputting data correctly and in real-time
  • Improves the quality of the data that enters your CMMS and IWMS
  • Bi-directional integration enables workflow based updates to and from CrowdComfort for better operations
Facilities Management Technology Case Study

Case Study: How a F500 company reduced facilities management response time by 80%

This case study with a Fortune 500 organization shows how we helped them enhance their employee request experience to significantly reduce cost and time associated with administration by their facilities team.

They used data from CrowdComfort to identify over $2 million in potential cost savings through better work order efficiency.


Ready for better, real-time, geo-located data?

Schedule a demo of the CrowdComfort solution and ask us about our pilot program.

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