Mobile apps that drive exceptional employee experiences in the workplace

CrowdComfort enables employees and facilities teams to collaborate to create safe, healthy and productive workplace environments.

Employees love us because we provide them with a voice to improve their workplace experience. Facilities teams love us because we make it easy for them to do their jobs in real-time.

  • Employee driven, mobile first workplace requests that improve the employee experience and help your team identify issues faster
  • Mobile apps that help your facilities team be more efficient, responsive and productive while improving data quality
  • Real-time data & analytics that drive insights, ensure savings and integrate with your legacy systems

Trusted by forward-thinking, employee experience focused employers

We work with some of the largest employees in the U.S. (many in the Fortune 500) to drive exceptional employee workplace experiences with health & safety in mind


Features & Functionality

Our patented geolocated mobile apps for employees and your facilities team can help provide an exceptional employee workplace experience while also greatly improving the efficiency of your facilities management operations.

Employee Workplace Experience CrowdComfort

Every type of employee workplace request in a single easy-to-use interface

Goodbye email and phone numbers for employee workplace requests that have to be routed to the right teams. The CrowdComfort Mobile App enables employees access to submit IT/AV, maintenance, health & safety, cleaning and amenities requests from a single, easy to use platform that encourages them to submit requests.

  • Auto-routing of requests to the correct team and system based on request type
  • Reduction of duplicate requests with confirmation features based on location and type of requests
  • Support of iPhone, Android and Web applications for employees to submit requests easily by scanning QR code
Employee Workplace Experience CrowdComfort

Patented geolocated, real-time reporting that improves your facilities data

With CrowdComfort, you never have to "walk the floor" again. Employees easily submit requests in three clicks through our web or mobile apps and confirm if it's a new or existing issue. The facilities team gets real-time notifications with the where, what and when with every workplace request.

  • Reduce request resolution time by over 80%
  • Improve employee participation in reporting workplace requests by 150% vs. email, web portal and call center channels
  • Significantly reduce duplicate requests with geo-located issue transparency in employee mobile and web apps
  • Heat maps that show areas of focus for energy efficiency, workplace design and predictive issues within the building
Employee Workplace Experience CrowdComfort

Real-time alerts with 1:1 communication between employees and facilities

The biggest factor in employee satisfaction with facilities services is initial response time. With 1:1 messaging baked into CrowdComfort, your facilities team can easily update employees with the status of their workplace request while being able to ask questions that can help them bring the right resources.

  • Seamless communication between employees and staff with every request with auto-routing to the team responsible for the request
  • Automatic updates for each stage of the work order resolution process for full transparency for employees
  • Centralized real-time work order management within the mobile app that can integrate with CMMS & IWMS to ensure proper data capture
Employee Workplace Experience CrowdComfort

Instant employee workplace experience scores that prove your value

Ensuring proper comfort in your workplace enhances productivity, collaboration and health for your employees. CrowdComfort helps facilities management teams prove the value they have in created a safe, healthy and productive workplace experience that is scored by employees as part of every request.

  • Employee experience scores captured with every completed employee request with average response rates of 40%
  • Improved experience with quicker response times through in-app messaging
  • Mobile experience that provides on average a 95% satisfaction rating with employees

We act as the mobile experience layer to connect your data and your systems across your real estate footprint. We seamlessly integrate with your back CMMS, IWMS and other legacy systems as well as complimentary solutions like room booking, sensors and workplace experience apps.

  • Real-time bi-directional integrations to ensure data is at your fingertips
  • Workflow based automation to deliver more value from your facilities management stack
  • Reporting flexible enough to pull in data to support enhanced visualizations within our dashboards
CX App CrowdComfort
Dude Solutions
Corrigo CrowdComfort
ServiceChannel CrowdComfort
ServiceNow CrowdComfort
Archibus CrowdComfort
Service Insight
Facilities Management Technology Case Study

Case Study: How a F500 company reduced facilities management response time by 80%

This case study with a Fortune 500 organization shows how we helped them enhance their employee request experience to significantly reduce cost and time associated with administration by their facilities team.

They used data from CrowdComfort to identify over $2 million in potential cost savings through better work order efficiency.


Ready to give CrowdComfort a try?

Schedule a demo of the CrowdComfort solution and ask about our pilot program.

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