Creating a Holistic Workplace Experience - Omar Ramirez

The idea below is one of many ideas from our 2023 Occupant Experience Ideabook (which you can download here). Today's idea comes from Collective Inc.'s Omar Ramirez, Co-Founder. He discusses how workplace teams can redefine their ways of working and working environments.

Omar Ramirez, Co-Founder, Collective Inc.

The field of workplace is undergoing monumental change. That should be obvious to everyone at this point. We are not going back to our pre-2020 norms, and now we have to focus on adapting to these changes. Workplace teams need to take a holistic approach to redefining their environments and ways of working.

Teams who have yet to begin their journey into redefining their ways of working should take an experimental approach and be using design thinking methods to begin to develop these new systems. A typical process for running such an experiment will look different for every team and depend on if you are working in a hybrid, remote first, or office first environment. The simplest version of this method is composed of these steps; Empathize - Define - Ideate - Prototype and Test. If you want to get started with design thinking we highly recommend look at the resources on our site.

Additionally, teams should take a holistic approach by working with the teams responsible for the development of the overall employee experience at their company; HR, Facilities, Corporate Real Estate, IT, AV, and Benefits. By working together you can create an experience that reduces friction, utilizes new technologies, and enables your employees to do their best work. The way we work is changing, and we can rise to meet the challenge."

To read more ideas from the 2023 Occupant Experience Ideabook, download here.

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