Evolve Your Space to Fit Employee Needs with Behavior Data - Fernanda Belo

The idea below is one of the 20+ ideas from our 2022 Workplace Experience Ideabook (which you can download here). Today's idea comes from VergeSense's Fernanda Belo as she shares the impact behavioral data can have on decision making.

Fernanda Belo VergeSense

Fernanda Belo, Head of Workplace Strategy and Insights, VergeSense

The past few years have redefined the office as we knew it. Hybrid work has upended traditional workplace norms, and employee attendance is motivated by the expectation of personal choice

Considering that employees have been working remotely in this time of disruption, what would motivate them to come into the office?

The office must provide meaning beyond what employees can do at home. The only way to truly ensure that offices are being designed with employee needs at top of mind is to fully understand physical space, how it’s changing, and how people are using it in real-time, and use that to identify patterns and make predictions – with the expectation that those patterns could change by the year, month, or day.

If you go to a space and can’t achieve the objective you were set out to do, that space has failed.

To make the office a truly meaningful space for employees, it is crucial to have the spatial intelligence in place to measure space use along with employee behavior, and use this data to make predictions in real-time, so that the office can be constantly adapted to match evolving employee needs and expectations. This will define success for workplaces today and beyond. 

To read more ideas from the 2022 Workplace Experience Ideabook, go to our download page.

2022 Workplace Experience Ideabook workplace experience spatial intelligence VergeSense Fernanda Belo


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