Support How the Work Gets Done Wherever that Might Be - Vik Bangia 

The idea below is one of the 20+ ideas from our 2022 Workplace Experience Ideabook (which you can download here). Today's idea comes from Verum Consulting and the OutsourceUSA Network's CEO Vik Bangia who discusses how a new model of working must be introduced to create an appealing and human centered office design that supports getting the work done.

Vik Bangia, Workplace Experience

Vik Bangia, CEO, Verum Consulting and the OutsourceUSA Network

The future of the office won’t be a binary choice between office or no office. Employers must make the office a compelling destination by giving employees the choice and freedom to decide what works best and when. They must create an environment where the office is a thing, but not THE thing.

Where “how” the work gets done is not as important as actually getting it done. This likely means the “going to” part of going to work disappears and work simply becomes work, the office becomes a utility, and job performance becomes outcomes based.

This requires a new, human-centered approach to leadership that values and respects humanity and puts an emphasis on both individuality and shared values. It respects and trusts employees to make the best decision on where to do their best and most productive work.

To read more ideas from the 2022 Workplace Experience Ideabook, go to our download page.

Vik Bangia Job performance Human Centered Design Flexible Work Environment 2022 workplace experience ideabook


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