The Evolving Workplace - Kelly Colón

The idea below is one of the 20+ ideas from our 2022 Workplace Experience Ideabook (which you can download here). Today's idea comes from Allsteel's Kelly Colón who discusses the importance of re-thinking our office spaces to allow for flexibility and community within the workplace.

Kelly Colón, workplace experience

Kelly Colón, Senior Workplace Advisory Manager, Allsteel

Pre-pandemic the office was predominately the ONLY place many employee's had the ability to work. Now employees have been given the ability to identify the best spaces, places and tools they need to get their work done and it no longer is JUST in the physical office.

The good news is the office will continue to be a critical part of the workplace in a post pandemic world. Traditional rationale and views however will likely need to be modified so employees see it as an asset or a resource they WANT to use.

Re-thinking your office spaces and aligning those spaces in a way to support the actual work employees are being asked to do will help. Providing state of the art technologies; designed to make work easier and more efficient which employees may not have access to in alternative locations, can support onsite engagement.

Pivoting away from traditional office strategies towards more of a destination strategy focusing on the overall employee & human experience where collaboration, innovation and creativity can be enhanced will increase the fundamental interest for employees to return to the office.

While not impossible in a remote environment, studies have shown us that fostering collaboration, innovation and creativity is best done collectively in person. Encouraging critical mass in the office sometimes (even a day or two a week) ensures every employee sees the vibrancy of one another. Workplaces where this can be supported can provide great benefits to employees and sense of belonging with the team and organization.

Flexibility, autonomy and choice coupled with state-of-the-art technology and tools only available in the office will be the key strategies to re-engage employees and remind them of the benefits of the evolving workplace.

To read more ideas from the 2022 Workplace Experience Ideabook, go to our download page.

Kelly Colón Flexibility Collaboration Return to Office Evolving Workplace 2022 workplace experience ideabook


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