Cleaning & Janitorial Partners

Crowdsource Occupant Data to drive performance in your Building Automation

CrowdComfort partners with Landlords and Building Owners to help them quickly uncover issues and inefficiencies in their buildings to improve energy efficiency, identify building changes and track soft services.

  • Mobile and web apps purposely built to capture occupant requests, custodial work and inspections
  • Dashboards and heat maps of building areas where energy efficiency and building layouts could be improved
  • Integrations with popular building automation tools
Building Automation Energy Efficiency

Understanding what's happening in your building

CrowdComfort Facilities Experience solutions provide you with crowdsourced data by occupants to better identify how the systems are working in your building to drive energy efficiency and savings as well as identify issues before they become a problem.

  • Improve real-time operations with to the minute alerts and visualizations of all facilities and cleaning work
  • Analyze heat maps by building and floor to identify issues with heating and cooling systems by floor
  • Manage inspections for all of systems from a mobile-first application
  • Identify potential cost savings and energy efficiencies with customizable reporting and dashboards that can be shared with clients
Cleaning Maps & Analytics CrowdComfort

Cleaning data that is digitized, actionable and geolocated

CrowdComfort Cleaning Maps & Analytics can be a key differentiator of your services while providing an additional revenue stream with clients

  • Improve real-time operations with to the minute alerts and visualizations of cleaning work
  • Track all your cleaning efforts to comply with local, state and federal regulations with a full historical audit trail
  • Identify potential cost savings and operational efficiencies with customizable reporting and dashboards that can be shared with clients
Quality Check & Inspections

Quality Inspections to Ensure Systems are Running Properly

When an issue is identified, use CrowdComfort to consistently maintain and inspect the systems throughout the building with a full audit trail of all inspections for all systems, buildings and assets.

  • Improve your quality assurance program through tracking by location
  • Track all your inspections data from a single easy to use mobile app
  • Identify inspections that are out of compliance with your service level agreements

Learn more about our Building Automation solution

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