Cleaning Validation

Understanding the APPA Level Cleaning Scoring System for K-12 School Districts and Universities

Understanding the APPA Level Cleaning Scoring System for K-12 School Districts and Universities

The APPA Level Cleaning Scoring system categorizes cleanliness into five distinct levels, ranging from Level 1 (Orderly Spotlessness) to Level 5 (Unkempt Neglect). Each level represents a different degree of cleanliness and condition of surfaces within a facility. Here's a brief overview of each level: Level 1: Orderly Spotlessness: This level signifies the highest standard of cleanliness. Surfaces are free of dirt, dust, and debris, with an overall pristine appearance. Level 2: Ordinary Tidiness: While not as impeccable as Level 1, Level 2 indicates a well-maintained environment with minor signs of dust or dirt, which are promptly addressed through routine cleaning. Level 3: Casual Inattention: At this level, cleanliness standards may vary slightly. Some areas may exhibit dust or dirt accumulation, but overall, the facility is reasonably clean and presentable. Level 4: Moderate Dinginess: Facilities classified at Level 4 show noticeable signs of neglect. Dust, dirt, and stains are more prevalent, requiring thorough cleaning and restoration efforts. Level 5: Unkempt Neglect: This level represents the lowest standard of cleanliness, where surfaces are significantly soiled, damaged, or neglected. Immediate action is needed to address sanitation issues and restore a safe and hygienic environment.

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January 2022 Newsletter: Will Cleaning Ever Go Back to Pre-Pandemic Levels?

January 2022 Newsletter: Will Cleaning Ever Go Back to Pre-Pandemic Levels?

This article shares perspectives on trends we are seeing in commercial cleaning and how cleaning for health instead of just cleaning for sight will effect our indoor environments going forward as well as how these expectations will impact facilities management. We will also need better cleaning validation metrics and tools.

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