employee collaboration

Flexibility in Work and Office Design is Critical - Dan Anninos

Flexibility in Work and Office Design is Critical - Dan Anninos

The redesign of the office space must also provide this flexibility where there are less individual "sole-owner" spaces and more open spaces designed for collaboration and interaction at the food market place or in team rooms, for example. Finally, in order to attract talent, today’s and future workforce desires the flexibility to work in both environments and enable a balanced work, home, family and social life–not to mention the benefits of reducing the stress of everyday commuting and impacts to the environment.

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Effectiveness Should Drive Where Work is Done - Simon Davis

Effectiveness Should Drive Where Work is Done

The lens needs to be more firmly on "where do people do specific tasks more effectively". Look at productivity, efficiency and human metrics to determine which tasks are typically carried out better where (by individuals, teams and departments). Collaboration, celebration and community are three strong use cases for the office. The power of casual collision cannot be underestimated. Forcing people into using the office, like forcing them to use PowerPoint for everything they do, is futile. They will quickly realize it is not always fit for purpose and in some instances can hamper their deliverables.

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