Human Centric Office

The Future of Living - Simon Davis

The Future of Living - Simon Davis

Organizations need to start looking at what "work" will be in ten years. We are moving at a rapid pace to a gig economy, globalized with fractional employment. The best and brightest will value flexibility above all else, and therefore the employee experience needs to meet people where they are - be that an office, home or any measure of third place.

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Human Centered Design For The Human Centered Office - Kelly Colon & Jan Johnson

Human Centered Design For The Human Centered Office

No longer will it be enough to simply create a workplace and demand prescribed attendance and usage without understanding the needs of employees.

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Changing Our Nomenclature from Hybrid to Seamless - Shuli Steele

Changing Our Nomenclature from Hybrid to Seamless

According to Gallup, Gen Z and millennials now make up nearly half (46%) of the full-time workforce in the U.S. As knowledge workers, these employees spent time experiencing a seamless campus with far more freedoms than they are afforded in the workplace. Aside from a few highly visible, campus-like buildings with expansive settings (think Google’s Bay Area Dragon-scale) most offer few choices.

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December 2021 Newsletter: The Death of the Office Friendship

December 2021 Newsletter: The Death of Office Friendships

The December 2021 Newsletter shares the articles and trends that are impacting the intersection of real estate, offices and technology.

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5 Reasons to register and attend The Human Centric Office 2021

5 Reasons to attend The Human Centric Office 2021

The Human Centric Office 2021 has great topics focusing on how we best make the office a safe, healthy and productive place for employees to thrive, collaborate and engage.

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